Metropole Cinema Nairobi
In 1964, the Metropole Cinema opened at Adams Arcade. The grand opening ceremony for the cinema was presided over by the Nairobi Mayor of the time, Charles Rubia.
Sample ticket for the Metropole Cinema:
the date appears to in 1968!
Adams Arcade:
stories about the Metropole:
...the star attraction of the arcade was the Metropole cinema. I only watched a film there twice as the movies were adult rated but we still showed up at Adamsv every opportunity to drool over the movie posters and envy lucky movie goers....Metropole cinema closed down alongside a host of other cinema halls in Nairobi some years after the '82 coup....Oyunga Pala entire pre-teen years were shaped by Lance Spearman's near eternal battle with arch enemy Rabon Zollo.....Lance made the preferred toy of the time his Beretta "Little Friend" toy pistol bought at a toy shop outside the Metropole Cinema House, also where I watched Sean Connery as James Bond in Gold Finger. The Metropole died and has since morphed into a gym inside Adam's Arcade, Woodley, Nairobi...Sulubu Tuva
Having missed the movie Airport numerous times I finally saw this movie at the Metropole on a Saturday matinee show. Lucky for me block buster movies in Kenya (as in many countries) would repeat so often in the cinemas in those days. I was struck at how the stalls seats led into stadium style seating, ie the balcony did not have a separate entrance. Years later this design is now commonplace!!